A Balancing Act

Our health depends on our being in balance, not only physically, but also mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Just as all the legs of a chair must be sturdy and balanced for it to function at its best, if any one of our levels is wobbly or out of balance, it can throw the other levels out of balance. For example, science has shown that people who are under physical or emotional stress are more likely to catch a cold or become ill. 

As a holistic school, the Jwalan Muktika School supports the whole person, and our school library has materials to support our health on all levels in a variety of ways.  

People dealing with depression may find help in the book, The Mind-Body Mood Solution, by Jeffrey Rossman, Ph.D.  Louise Hay discusses mental patterns that create disease in her popular book, You Can Heal Your Life. The school library also contains many books on nutrition, herbal medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, and energy medicine such as reiki. We even have a meditation video for stress reduction by Robert Schuller.

Supporting ourselves at any level will positively affect other levels as well, so enjoy finding new ways to come into balance!

Bill Kint